Hot Planet Poem Posts

News: Poem of The Day
An unholy Sabbath Running from a unholy presence chasing me down

News: Seeing In The Dark -Street Poets Event
If you are looking for some inspiration you should come to this! Great talent and wisdom will be present.

News: The Rattling Wall, Issue 2
Michelle Meyering
How To: Start a Poem
How To Write A Poem There are a million ways to start a poem. unfortunatly I wont be able to explain all of them, actually I can't explain them. Everyone has their own way of writing. If you are a beginer you will eventually find your own way. I will show you some ways that could help you write your own poem.

News: 0(3)-No More
Socially conscious rap in the community. Covers aspects of prison, over population, hunger strike, and prison guards abusing their power. O(3) is a junior attending Film and Theatre Arts Charter High School. He raps about social injustice and discrimination.

News: Poem of the Day
Undercover Crow -Sage I sit in a dim black bench

News: This Is for You
Planet Poem

Great Resource.
News: Street Poets Inc.
Street Poets inc. is a great resource for everyone. They are great motivators and inspirational poets. I guarantee you will view the world differently one you meet them. Seeking Peace is a workshop they have every Tuesday and Friday. Check their site <3